Looking at Santiago with his work badge tucked into his jacket and his infamous bright smile, you would never guess that just 2 years ago he was struggling, making pizzas to make ends meet, and worrying about how he would provide for his growing family.
Before IntelliTec, Santiago was working odd jobs that weren’t stable. He reached a point where he felt like it wasn’t going anywhere and he decided to get his GED. Three days after completing his GED, he started looking for IT training and found himself on the phone with an Admissions Representative from IntelliTec College setting up an appointment to come get some information.
“IntelliTec became my next step for sure when I toured the campus,” Santiago said. “There is no fluff! It was ‘This is what you need to get your certifications and we are here to teach you that.’ And that was exactly what I was looking for. I’m a get it done, get it done quickly, and get to work kind of guy!”
Santiago says that as soon as he got his A+ certification, which is the second one you receive throughout the program, he added it to his LinkedIn profile. That same day, a recruiter was brought in to speak to the class at IntelliTec and he did an on-the-spot “interview” and was offered a job! He’s been offered at least 6 jobs since, even while employed with a great company!
He not only completed the certificate program, but also completed the Associate Degree as well.
“If you are interested in the IT field, this is the right school. You will not find another school like this.” Santiago said. “This school will teach you exactly what you need to know to enter the field the very next day after you finish. I even started working while I was still in the program.”
As he held up the “I Got Hired” sign, I couldn’t help but feel the pride and sense of accomplishment radiating from him.
“What is the most important thing you would tell someone thinking about coming to our school for their next step?” I asked. His response says it all.
“If I wouldn’t have gone there, I wouldn’t be here.”
Congratulations, Santiago! We are proud of you and excited to see all the ways you serve your community with the knowledge, certifications, and degree you worked so hard to achieve.