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We asked the Cosmetology program faculty at IntelliTec College of Pueblo important questions about choosing and attending beauty school. Take advantage of this chance to learn from these experienced cosmetology professionals. This is what they said:
What should prospective students look for when searching for the best cosmetology schools?
- Always look into the education that is provided, the structure of the school, and whether there are highly trained and experienced instructors.
- When I was looking for a school, I first looked at how well the people treated me, student to instructor ratio and what the main focus of my education was going to be.
- Look for any extras in the curriculum, things that may not be offered at the other schools.
What advice do you give your students to succeed in cosmetology school?
- Be on time. Be open-minded. Take constructive criticism. Take notes.
- Don’t settle for anything but the best, never turn down clients, be open to criticism, don’t be afraid to make mistakes, and always be willing get out of your comfort zone.
- Make sure you are always in attendance and willing to learn. Stay open to all new ideas even if you think you already know how to do something.
- Always show up. If you miss one day of class it is like missing one day of being successful in this career. Always ask questions. Never assume you know more than your instructor. Participate in everything. Always have a positive attitude.
What advice do you give your students to succeed in their future careers as cosmetologists?
- Be on time. Be open-minded. Seek ongoing education. Be honest in business. Set goals. Create a system for growth. Strive for excellence.
- Always be looking into the newest styles/trends, take the time to attend class and further education, listen to your clients’ needs and wants and most of all, have fun and find the field you are most passionate about.
- Stay focused and always have a goal to strive for.
- Go with confidence and be willing to learn new things from other stylists.
- Keep up to date client files and never stop marketing!
What classes will benefit your students the most in their cosmetology careers and why?
- Business building classes. You can be the best cosmetologist on the planet and be broke. A wise business person who happens to be a working cosmetologist can retire well in the end.
- Business. They will learn different scenarios and how to approach them, the importance of their clients and how to consult with them for every service, and how to build and keep a clientele.
- The basics. Trends will come and go but the basics will always be there.
How important is continuing your education after you are a licensed cosmetologist, and why?
- If you don’t grow you die. Trends change every 6 months. Becoming stagnant is not an option in this field.
- It is very important! Education can keep you up on the hottest and latest trends to ensure your clients come back for more.
- This industry is always changing and having continued education for the rest of your life can help you to be successful.
What are the best options for licensed cosmetologists to continue their educations?
- Hair shows are a great start. Local distributors are loaded with education opportunity. Product lines have their own education opportunities.
- Check at the beauty supply stores for classes that are coming up.
- There are plenty of hair shows that show all the new trends every year.
- Try an advanced academy or work in a salon that offers continuing education, videos, hair shows and classes at local supply stores.