New IntelliTec College Graduate Dustin Cooper Finishes What He Starts – an Associate’s Degree and a New Career
Cooper had a lot of experience working on cars in his free time and at his gas station job, but his knowledge ended at the basics. Now that he’s completed his hands-on career training as an automotive technician and works full-time as an Automotive Technician at Grand Junction Subaru, he’s proud of the new skills in his toolbox.
“Now when you hear that knocking sound in your car, I can diagnose it when you bring it in,” jokes Cooper.
Helpful Colleagues and an Easy-Going Attitude Make Going to Work Enjoyable
According to IntelliTec’s Automotive Program Supervisor Mark Faudree, Cooper can do a lot more than diagnose car troubles. He was a top performer while enrolled in school, and he made sure to both learn and master a skill before moving on to something new.
“Dustin is a self-starter; dedicated, dependable, and steps in willingly to help out. He’s a real asset to the automotive field, and I think any company would be proud to hire him on as a technician,” says Faudree.

Cooper Stays Focused in College to Earn a Successful Career as an Automotive Technician
Cooper’s previous path of choices included a lot of loose ends. In fact, leaving things undone was a way of life for him. All that changed once he enrolled in the Automotive Technician training program at IntelliTec College in Grand Junction, and he determined he would not just start but finish his professional certificate and associate’s degree.
Before starting classes, Cooper moved to a number of towns in Colorado, enrolling in various trade schools or community colleges, yet never finishing a degree or program. At the urging of his fiancé, Cooper checked out IntelliTec’s Automotive program in Grand Junction, and within a few weeks he committed to finishing something he started. His new approach? ‘Keep focused on what you want to learn and how much you want to learn, and you will succeed.’
“She [his fiancé’] really pushed me to succeed. Her positive comments kept me encouraged during the long days of school and work,” says Cooper.

“My dad taught me to be ‘prepared to work.’ That meant arriving 15-20 minutes early, get set-up and be ready to go. It’s something I still do at my own job today,” comments Cooper.
Automotive Tech Grad Uses His Strong Work Ethic to Manage Full Time School with Full Time Job
Cooper’s weekly schedule included full time school and a full time job. Luckily for him, hard work was something he was already pretty good at. He began working by age 11 during his summers with his dad, rising at 6:00 a.m. and returning home as late as 6:00 p.m.
“My dad taught me to be ‘prepared to work.’ That meant arriving 15-20 minutes early, get set-up and be ready to go. It’s something I still do at my own job today,” comments Cooper.
Cooper Earned Better Grades by Finding the Best Way to Study
Every student has to outline the most effective way to prepare for classes and tests, and Cooper especially needed to develop a plan that worked for him. He’s a self-described “terrible test taker”, performing poorly on them during high school. This left him lacking confidence in his academic abilities. After he figured out what worked for him, it was full speed ahead.
“Rather than trying to cram days or nights before, I made sure to look over the material right before the test. It helped that it was fresh in my mind just as I walked into class,” recalls Cooper.
About IntelliTec College in Grand Junction
IntelliTec College in Grand Junction, CO offers hands-on career training in the technical trades, cosmetology, and allied healthcare and dental fields. These programs award either associate degrees (occupational) or professional certificates and are designed to be completed in as little as 18 months or less. IntelliTec provides a supportive learning environment with small classes sizes and caring instructors. Learn how you can improve your life with a meaningful career by requesting information at www.IntelliTec.edu or calling 970-245-8101.