New IntelliTec College Grad’s Likable and Easy-Going Personality Well-Suited to Local Optometrist’s Office Environment

Shauna Matthews is a walking endorsement for the saying, “smile – it’s contagious.” She brings a light and positivity into every room she enters, and her self-assuredness lets patients know they have come to the right optometrist’s office.
That’s exactly what Dr. Kara Fedders, O.D. with Our Eye Doctor recognized when she first met Matthews and immediately hired her. Fedders knew she wanted Matthews’ smile and cheerful attitude to be the first thing to greet her patients.
“You can train skills, but I always hire personality. I knew she [Matthews] would fit right in the moment I met her. She comes across as genuine and caring, and patients respond to that,” says Fedders.
Recent Medical Assisting Graduate Overcomes A Lackluster Academic Past
Matthews’ determination helped to increase her 2.0 high school GPA to a 4.0 GPA and placed her in the National Honors Society throughout her entire Medical Assisting program at IntelliTec College in Colorado Springs, CO.
“Shauna is an amazing person with the ability to inspire others to succeed. She refuses to give up and faces challenges with an expectation of success,” comments Laurie Savage, Medical Assisting Instructor and the Extern Coordinator at IntelliTec College in Colorado Springs.
Less than two years ago Matthews was, according to her, “just hanging out with friends”. She graduated high school but had not decided what she wanted to do until one day her mom confronted her, insisting she do something with her life. Matthews had a mild interest in the medical field (her mom was a medical assistant at that time), and eventually she chose the Medical Assistant training program at IntelliTec College by default.
“To be honest, I was pretty nervous about returning to school and particularly worried about my first class [phlebotomy],” recalls Matthews.
Allied Healthcare Graduate Stays Focused on the Present and Takes Steps Toward a Future

Matthews quickly turned her fears into a challenge, and she strove to complete her blood draws in phlebotomy class in just two weeks. She is now currently studying for her Registered Phlebotomy Technician certification exam in order to one day become a phlebotomist. This is the first of many plans Matthews has for her future.
Though Shauna initially questioned her abilities, her optimistic attitude and determination to succeed kicked in the minute her medical assisting classes began. She arrived early every day, never missed a class, and was ultimately presented with the Student Success Award. With a full time job and a full time schedule, Matthews stayed focused.
“There were nights I wouldn’t go to sleep until 1:00 a.m. because I would have work and homework, but I made sure I was in class the next morning. I had personal struggles as well, but I wouldn’t let outside things affect me,” says Matthews.
Academics are a Family Affair for the Matthews Family
Shauna found a consistent study buddy in her mom. Both mother and daughter were simultaneously enrolled in school, with Matthews’ mom pursuing her B.S. in Nursing and Matthews her Professional Certificate in Medical Assisting. This set the tone for evenings in their home; books and papers filled the hours rather than TV and telephones. She credits her mom for her new outlook on school and life.
“My mom always said that negativity takes a toll, and that a strong, positive attitude will both strengthen you and help you reach your goals,” recalls Matthews.
Teachers and administrators at IntelliTec College reinforced this idea by introducing her to the term “Keep your MA [Medical Assistant] face on.” Matthews learned that regardless of good or bad days, it’s vital to maintain a professional demeanor and keep personal issues at home. Matthews took this advice to heart, and realizes that controlling her expressions allows her to present a calm exterior her patients appreciate.
About IntelliTec College in Colorado Springs
IntelliTec’s Medical Assistant professional certificate program is designed to be completed in 10.5 months. It offers hands on clinical training in a modern laboratory and prepares students to sit for up to three professional certification exams.
IntelliTec College in Colorado Springs, CO offers hands-on career training in the technical trades, computer technology, allied health care and personal training fields. These programs award either associate degrees (occupational) or professional certificates and are designed to be completed in as little as 18 months or less. IntelliTec provides a supportive learning environment with small classes sizes and caring instructors. Learn how you can improve your life with a meaningful career by requesting information at or calling 719-632-7626.